Formly AI

"Formly AI landing page by Kono Ndlovu, medical tech regulation software."
Brand Guideline
Component Development
Web Development
Information Architecture
Website Development
Mobile and Tablet Optimization

Formly.AI is a startup focused on creating AI software that streamlines the regulatory process for medical tech regulation professionals.

The aim of the product offering and website is to create awareness around consulting services and software leveraging artificial intelligence to streamline and create more accurate documentation for medical devlce regulation applications, more specifically under the new MDR and DiGa regulations.

In my capacity as co-founder and Lead Interaction Designer, my primary responsibilities included:

- Design and development of the web application interfaces
- Design and development of the website, using Webflow
- Copyright development and ratification processes provided to co-founders through the mentorship program of the Berlin Founders Fund, by Silicon Allee.

"Formly software overview highlighting user benefits, with design detail by Kono Ndlovu, freelance interaction designer."

Section with Application Features

Focused on a specific website section, our software application offers solutions such as a Guided Technical File, an AI Parsing and Filing Assistant, Consultation services, Document Templates, and Certification and Marking checklists.

In this section of the website, I developed custom icons for each of the software features that are seen here.

Custom Icons

Five further icons were custom designed for Formly, with each icon relaying a very specific story and use case.

In each one, I thought out how the icon should look and feel, I wanted to transmit a very professional but approachable icon, that is very clear in the story it tells.