Felicitas Butt

The about page of Felicitas Butt designed by Webflow expert and Interaction Designer Kono Ndlovu
Brand Guideline
Component Development
Web Development
Information Architecture
Website Development
Mobile and Tablet Optimization

Felicitas, a visual artist, presents a diverse array of artistic expressions through her work.

With expertise spanning multiple mediums, she sought a platform to showcase her versatile offerings.

In partnership with visual artist Felicitas, I orchestrated a cohesive brand identity, designed an immersive website using Webflow,
and conceptualized a logo that aligned with her artistic vision.

the website page for Felicitas' different art disciplines. Designed by Interaction Designer Kono Ndlovu.

Art Discipline

On her website, we have implemented a clean and user-friendly grid layout for the 'Art Discipline' subpage. This layout is intentionally minimalistic, allowing visitors to concentrate on her artwork and gain insight into her personality through her creations.By eliminating unnecessary design elements, we ensure that viewers remain undistracted and fully immersed in the art.
Layout of Felicitas Butt Drawing webpage created by Kono Ndlovu Freelance Interaction Designer


Felicitas, a visual artist, presents a diverse array of artistic expressions through her work.

With expertise spanning multiple mediums, she sought a platform to showcase her versatile offerings.

In partnership with visual artist Felicitas, I orchestrated a cohesive brand identity, designed an immersive website using Webflow,
and conceptualized a logo that aligned with her artistic vision.